Sunday, March 21, 2010


Oh, but we make bad decisions when we're likkered up.

Like come up with stuff we should do together, and videotape for posterity. Stuff like wine tastings (yummmm) and bikini waxings (which we haven't scheduled yet, because, um...gross?) and running a 5K, which comes easy to one of us (we're lookin' at you, Miss Megan) but NOT SO MUCH THE OTHERS.

So next Saturday, our Reuben Kincaid (Nikki's fabulous husband) will cart our sleepy butts to Rock The Parkway, where we'll somehow haul ourselves over the finish line.

Then (after what we imagine will be serious celebrating, followed by well-deserved napping) we'll head to the Fishtank for our monthly show at 7pm with KC Crossroads Comedy. Get your tickets here to save a couple of bucks.

We promise we'll shower first.

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